Ionic Foot Detox | Flawless Med Spa | Bryant
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Ionic Foot Bath Treatment


Did you know that there are more than 2000 sweat glands and 4000 pores in your feet? It’s no wonder that detoxifying footbaths have been used in Ayurvedic and Eastern traditions for thousands of years!  In fact, this system of healing was also used by the Romans in conjunction with public baths to draw impurities out of the body through the processes of osmosis and diffusion. While the use of ionization in a detox foot bath is relatively new, the technique itself is based on ancient and well-respected methods that are still practiced today. When combined with ionization, the detoxification effects can happen more quickly and be even more dramatic.


The ionic foot bath is based on the bioenergetics technology that creates an energy field similar to the human body’s. The principal is similar to how a magnet works, except in this case the magnetic force functions to help cancel out and eliminate harmful free radicals and other toxins from the body.

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